The Journey Ahead - Piano Four Hands Score Ver.1
The Journey Ahead - Piano Four Hands Score Ver.1
This piano duet (two players on one instrument) arrangement was originally written as a reference score of the main compositional elements of ‘The Journey Ahead’ - the main theme song of the game ‘Dragon Fin Soup’. The piece was written to evoke a sense of adventure, pirates, and the hidden dangers that await on an Adventurer’s journey.
Hopefully that has been captured in the various elements and sections of this piece!
I’ve had a lot of fun putting this together and I hope you have fun playing this with a friend!
ps. hope you like triplets :)
- JDWasabi
With thanks to Clíodna Shanahan for assistance!
Dragon Fin Soup © Grimm Bros. LLC
This .zip file contains a .pdf score and audio reference file in .mp3 and .wav versions!